A new study has revealed the kinky world of Australians. The shocking study found that ladies are as keen to have group sex as men.
A new study has revealed the "kinky" world of Australians.
The shocking study found that ladies are as keen to have group sex as men, and they initiate it almost as often.The survey was conducted among members of Australia's second biggest online dating site.
Almost 40 per cent of respondents reported an equal gender split in the group encounter, while a further 30 per cent reported a majority of men taking part and 30 per cent a majority of women.
As per the RedHotPie.com.au survey, which drew 8763 responses from among its 1.5 million member listings, almost as many women as men instigate the idea of group sex - 46 per cent compared with 54 per cent.
The most common reasons given for group sex are excitement, variety and to spice up long-term relationships, reports The Daily Telegraph.
The most common form of group sex is a threesome, the study found.
RedHotPie.com.au relationship expert Geoff Barker said the survey suggested Australian women were more sexually liberated than men.
"I thought you would find it skewed towards guys, but the reality is women are pursuing group sex just as much," he said.
"Women don't feel judged or watched by society the way Australian men are feeling. Women's sexuality is encouraged by the media and the men folk.
Men tend to be a little bit more shy in the sex department," he added.