World Health Organisation experts visioned Australians are paying more on medicines than US like other countries.
World Health Organisation experts visioned Australians are paying more on medicines than US like other countries .
When addressing in National Medicines Symposium at Canberra, WHO’s Richard Laing said: Australia has got the best systems all over the world for buying and valuing innovative medicines.Dr Laing's words that triggers the Government to reduce the pay of generic medicines.
Australian Government payed almost similar cost for both generic and patented medicine, under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme. This means people are paying more on it.
To reduce the amount, federal Government put forth many alterations like cutting on the price upto 12.5% with the same health benefits.
Cheapest medicines with generic name are introduced to cut the price of off-patent medicines, said Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott.
Dr Laing added people who enjoy the reformed one’s are the generic manufacturers.