
Avoid too Much Running to Live Longer: Study

by Anubha Sinha on Apr 4 2014 6:11 PM

Going for those long and strenuous jogging? Think before continuing with it further. A new research says people who run a lot and those who do not run at all will have shorter lifespan.

 Avoid too Much Running to Live Longer: Study
US researchers have revealed that people who prefer two to three hours of jogging a week live longest compared to people who over exert themselves.
As part of the study, researchers from Cardiovascular Research Institute at Lehigh Valley Health Network, Pennsylvania, studied over 3,800 male and female runners, in an average age of 46, and found that people who ran a lot and those who did not run at all had shorter lifespan.

“What we still don't understand is defining the optimal dose of running for health and longevity,” Dr Martin Matsumura, who led the study, told Health Day. He added that even after the research he won’t ask people to stop running.

The researchers are not sure how longevity and running are related. Dr James O'Keefe, who reviewed the research, believes too much running could lead to ‘wear and tear’ of the bodies.

Dr O'Keefe advises people to go for slow to moderate paced running a week amounting to about two and a half hours.

During the study, researchers also considered the kind of medication people were undertaking and whether they suffered from high blood pressure or high cholesterol or took to smoking. But according to them, these factors were in no manner related to the finding.

