
Babies' Lives can be Saved by Getting Mothers to Interact About Sound Pregnancy Practices

A project in India found that getting mother to interact about sound pregnancy practices may save lives of newborn babies.

Researchers at the University College London's Institute of Child Health led a project in India, which found that getting mother to interact about sound pregnancy practices may save lives of newborn babies.

Despite the giant strides made by India in the economic sphere, neonatal care remains poor in most parts of the country. Infant mortality is high and most mothers do not know basic practices that may save their baby's life.

Indian social welfare NGO Ekjut teamed up with the UCL doctors to conduct a community-based program where mothers talked about various aspects of baby care. This program trained women who were then sent out to conduct discussions on community births and neonatal deaths.

The initial results show that neonatal death rate dropped by 47% in areas where this program was being conducted. The details of the study appear in The Lancet.

