
Bacon, Ham, Sausages Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk

by Colleen Fleiss on Oct 5 2018 10:17 AM

Bacon, Ham, Sausages Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk
Processed meat (bacon, ham, sausages, salami, corned beef, beef jerky, canned meat) consumption was found to increase risk of developing breast cancer, warn researchers. The findings of the study are published in International Journal of Cancer. //
"Previous works linked increased risk of some types of cancer to higher processed meat intake, and this recent meta-analysis suggests that processed meat consumption may also increase breast cancer risk," said lead author Maryam Farvid, from the Harvard University's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The study backs up previous findings of the World Health Organization (WHO), which says processed meats can cause cancer.

Processed meat refers to meat that has been transformed through salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other processes to enhance flavour or improve preservation.

It is the chemicals involved in the processing which could be increasing the risk of cancer. High temperature cooking, such as on a barbecue, can also create carcinogenic chemicals.

Although red meats were "probably carcinogenic," there was limited evidence, the WHO noted.

Processed and red meat are also linked to increased risks of death from heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses.

But, the researchers recommend cutting down on the meat rather than eliminating it, as it is also known to have health benefits.

Currently, the National Health Service recommends eating no more than 70g of red and processed meat a day.

