A new study explains that there might be a good side for the Bad gossip or sharing negative attitudes about others, as it may create or increase intimacy between two people.
Dirty Gossiping among friends can have a pleasant positive side too, a study now reports. Bad gossip or sharing negative attitudes about others, the study says that it may create or increase intimacy between two people.
In the study, published in the June issue of the journal Personal Relationships, researchers have found that the negative attitudes that are frequently shared among friends and can even promote friendships among strangers, reported the science portal.In the first two parts of the study, the researchers instructed two groups of participants of the study to list the positive and negative attitudes they shared at the early and later stages of close relationships. Both groups recalled more negative than positive attitudes about other people.
In the third section, participants listened to a conversation between two fictional characters and explained what they liked or did not like about a speaker (a third person).
They were then told that they shared or did not share the same thoughts as another participant whom they would be partnered with. The authors found that those whose partners had a mutual dislike of the third person felt closer to this stranger than those who shared a liking.
The researchers said gossip is alluring because it establishes in-group or out-group boundaries, boosts self-esteem and conveys highly informative information about the attitude holder.
"We certainly do not deny that gossip behavior has it drawbacks," the study authors and researchers state.
Edited IANS