If smoking were to be banned by the Government in bars and restaurants, the health of children at home will be affected by passive smoking.
If smoking were to be banned by the Government in bars and restaurants, the health of children at home will be affected by passive smoking. Children suffer from ailments like asthma and breathing difficulties due to passive smoking. The economists belonging to the University College London compiled this report which is being opposed by anti-smoking campaigners.
Smokers will be encouraged to quit as a result of a total ban, according to the anti-smoking campaigners. The health select committee of the influential Commons has faulted the UK Government for failing to impose a total ban. The proposal to permit smoking in pubs that do not serve food has also come in for criticism.A ban on smoking at workplaces, shopping areas, and trains do not seem to affect children, according to the study. The children were also exposed to lesser exposure as a result of higher taxes on tobacco products. A total ban on smoking in public places is expected to have higher adverse effects on children belonging to the low-income groups.
An outright ban is to be imposed in Scotland soon. The cotinine levels in children aged between 4 and 8 is much higher in places where a total ban is in place, particularly in the case of poor families. This only serves to widen the health gap which exists between the rich and the poor. Action on Smoking and Health has questioned the reliability of the study.