The battle against bedsores requires a team approach, enlisting everyone from nurses and nursing assistants to laundry workers, nutritionists, maintenance workers and even in-house beauticians.
Bedsores or pressure ulcers (as they are known clinically) requires a team approach to fight them.
Everyone from nurses and nursing assistants to laundry workers, nutritionists, maintenance workers and even in-house beauticians could be enlisted for the purpose.Bedsore is nothing but an area of skin breakdown that occurs when sustained pressure cuts off blood circulation — usually in patients confined to their beds in hospitals and nursing homes — a bedsore can result in a wound so deep and painful that some patients require narcotics. If a bedsore becomes infected, the complications can be fatal.
Experts estimate that two million Americans suffer from pressure ulcers each year, usually through some combination of immobility, poor nutrition, dehydration and incontinence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not keep statistics on fatalities, but one prominent victim was the actor Christopher Reeve, who died of a bedsore infection in 2004 in the middle of a heroic battle against paralysis.
“They are not just little sores,” said Susan D. Horn, senior scientist at the Institute for Clinical Outcomes Research in Salt Lake City. “If you’ve ever seen a very bad one, frankly, it would make you sick. You see a very reddened outer area, then you see, depending on how deep it is, just this hole in the skin, and it goes right down to the bone.”
But team effort could be an option, reported The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society last August. Such an approach reduced the number of severe pressure ulcers acquired in-house by 69 percent.
“Preventing pressure ulcers is a 24/7/365 kind of job,” said Jeff West, a clinical reviewer at Qualis Health in Seattle.
At the Lutheran Home in Fort Wayne, Ind., for instance, “the laundry workers helped us see that some clothes weren’t fitting the residents properly and were restricting their skin,” said Jeanie Langschied, a registered nurse there.
Even the beauty shop “realized that wait times needed to decrease,” Ms. Langschied said, and residents should be repositioned while getting their hair done. “It was all departments looking at everything, and it was just amazing the information that flowed through.”
Lutheran Home was one of the 52 facilities that took part in the study referred to in the Geriatrics Society journal.
Dr. Joanne Lynn, who helpd begin the project when she was a senior natural scientist with the RAND Corporation (she has since joined the Medicare centers), said the goal was to educate nursing home workers in bedsore prevention and to encourage them to come up with creative, low-tech solutions of their own. “It was a combination of education, cheerleading and something like systems engineering,” Dr. Lynn recalled.
The number of superficial bedsores did not decrease to a statistically significant degree, for reasons that are unclear.
At David Place, a nursing home in David City, Nebraska, staff members say they focused on assessing each resident’s risk for bedsores, and noted this risk on the assignment sheets used by nursing assistants.
“The residents at highest risk,” said Dan Smith, director of nursing, “would be the last up for meals and the first down after meals so they would not be in their wheelchairs for long periods of time putting pressure on their bottoms.” Residents at risk from weight loss were given yellow plates, so that staff members would remember to encourage them to eat more.
David Place also bought new mattresses made of high-density foam to reduce pressure in key areas. Staff members say they redoubled efforts to keep feet elevated with pillows so that bedsores would not develop on the heels. And they began to use new moisture barrier creams with residents who were incontinent, since lingering moisture can speed the development of sores.
Staff members at Palatka Health Care Center in Palatka, Fla., initiated a similar blend of measures. They created a “skin-watch action team,” or SWAT, to identify vulnerable residents and to make sure that their heels were floated, that they were given pressure-reducing cushions and that they were repositioned frequently, said Carol Jones, a risk manager at the center.
“We got the grass-roots level, the certified nursing assistants, much more involved, and they were held accountable,” Ms. Jones said. If a bedsore began to develop, she said, “we’d ask them, how did this happen?”
Dr. Horn, of the Institute for Clinical Outcomes Research, praised the collaborative as “the first major national effort driven by Medicare to reduce pressure ulcers.” But she said that better outcomes could be achieved if more nursing homes improved their documentation, so that all of the information on a given resident, including details on eating, urinary and bowel function, appeared on a single sheet, with key reminders to nursing assistants and other staff members about best practices.
Institutional change and work-flow redesign are critical, she added, given the high rates of turnover in nursing home staff across the country, says AMANDA SCHAFFER writing in New York Times.
The changes need to become hard-wired in an organization, said Mr. West, of Qualis. “A lot of places do well when they have a lot of support,” he said. “But it’s hard to keep that momentum going. That’s the real challenge.”