British mothers have expressed their disenchantment over weight gain, stretch marks and restless nights that they feel are the biggest disadvantages of being a new mother.

"Coping night after night with hardly any sleep makes it difficult to recover from childbirth," the Scotsman quoted spokeswoman for, which polled 3,000 mothers, as saying.
"And the months that follow - which are filled with anxiety about weight gain, getting up in the night and the endless washing cycles - can be just as depressing.
"We also found many mums swear they'll never do it again after having a baby, but the good always ends up outweighing the bad," she added.
The study also revealed three-quarters of mothers found the endless nights of sleep deprivation tough to deal with.
Four out of ten said they disliked the weight gain, while one-third said they found it difficult to get over the pain of giving birth. br>