
Better skin with lasers

Researchers at the University, new techniques with lasers help remove lines and wrinkled from age and sun damaged skin. Exposure to sun when you're younger can take its toll in later years in terms of wrinkles, lines and age spots on the skin. But, says Dr Arielle Kauvar, a dermatologist at New York University, non-ablative laser treatment can readily achieve a smoother, firmer appearance.

These lasers score over surgical and conventional laser techniques because they take minimal time and leave no visible wounds on the skin. They emit a beam that's absorbed by the skin layer beneath the surface, promoting new collagen production. Dr Kauvar's research on non-ablative laser treatment shows that it can be used to treat fine lines, acne scars and overall skin tone.

Three to six treatments at two to four week intervals produce a significant improvement in the overall appearance of the skin, she says. The technique can be used on almost any type of skin and may also be applied to improve skin discolouration from dilated blood vessels or irregular pigmentation.
