Gay and lesbian civil partnerships (gay marriage) is thought to bring an increased number of health benefits
Gay and lesbian civil partnerships (gay marriage) is thought to bring an increased number of health benefits. Researchers said that such marriage lead to betterment in the health of both sexes in a variety of ways. Civil partnerships for gay couples also offer numerous advantages.
Professor Michael King, of London's Royal Free and University College Medical School, in a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health said that such marriages apart from health benefits would also bring about benefits from same-sex civil unions.In Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Britain and Canada same-sex couples are given all the rights offered to a traditional couples.
In same sex marriages both men and women benefit from the marriage. Apart from happiness and well being it is important in terms of cardiovascular disease and other issues.
The civil unions show reduced discrimination against gay and lesbian couples thereby making their relationships more stable.
Their families recognize such relationships and a social framework of recognition are created. In such cases there is less exchange of partners, less sexual risk, less drinking, less of the sorts of problems that gay men and lesbians sometimes get into.
Civil unions support same sex marriage and in the resolution of any problems that arise in their relationships.
This can be seen by the increasing number of gay men and lesbians, who deliberately cause self-harm, try to commit suicide or go in to depression and suffer from other psychiatric problems. Hence these people should be given access to health care, which would improve their life.