According to a study in the Community Health, coffee may protect against the development of bladder cancer, especially in smokers..Researchers
According to a study in the Community Health, coffee may protect against the development of bladder cancer, especially in smokers..Researchers analysed data from all new and already diagnosed cases of bladder cancer over a 1 year period from 10 general hospitals. All patients and over 500 cases supplied details of their employment history, tobacco use, including exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, and diet, including coffee consumption.
Smoking is the main risk factor for bladder cancer. But the damaging effect of cigarette smoking was more than double in those who drank fewer than two cups of coffee a week compared with regular coffee drinkers. Smokers who drank coffee were three times as likely to develop bladder cancer as non-smoking coffee drinkers. But smokers who didn't drink coffee were seven times as likely to develop the disease as non-smokers.The authors conclude that the results show that smoking may be an even greater risk for bladder cancer than was previously thought. And they point to previous research which shows that the toxic effects of caffeine may be reduced in smokers, while caffeine may moderate the harmful effects of the cancer causing agents produced by smoking.