
BHVI Launches "Myopia Awareness Week 2022: Make Your Eye Moves"

by Kesavan K.E.T. on May 27 2022 4:44 PM
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BHVI announces Myopia Awareness Week 2022 on May 23 to 28, the global initiative to bring attention to the global epidemic of myopia cases in children.

BHVI Launches `Myopia Awareness Week 2022: Make Your Eye Moves`
Launched as a global initiative in 2021, Myopia Awareness Week was created by the Brian Holden Vision Institute (BHVI) to address the increasing cases of myopia in children. The 2022 Myopia Awareness Week is from May 23rd to May 28th and the current theme is "Make Your Eye Moves."
This year’s weekly event features educational resources for eye care practitioners, parents and supporters of myopia awareness provided by BHVI, with a special focus on the current theme, which will improve eye health and reduces the risk of myopia.

Leading figures in the field of social media content and global eye care will provide tips and suggestions to parents and children to reduce the risk of the onset or progression of myopia. The eye health of our young children matters more than ever before.

Myopia and its Effects on Humans

Myopia or short-sightedness is increasingly widespread around the world. Already, in many East Asian countries, one in two children aged 10 and over is myopic. It is estimated that by 2050, almost half of the world’s population will have myopia. This puts 5 billion people at risk of preventable vision loss and an increased risk of vision-threatening complications.

Importantly, COVID-19 has significantly increased the stakes and increased the burden of myopia. The spike resulted in evidence from around the world, an increase in proximity-based activities, and the proliferation of COVID-19 lockdowns with less time outside, events (new myopia) and improvement in myopia.

Creating change begins with one voice — the collective voice of eye care professionals and industry partners, raising awareness and taking parents and children to clinics for informative discussions about myopia.

What is Myopia Awareness Week 2022 and How to Celebrate it?

The Myopia Awareness Week campaign aims to increase the awareness of myopia and this year’s theme is "Make Your Eye Moves."

‘Make Your Eye Moves’ campaign calls on eye care professionals to use their expertise to help parents and their children begin discussions. The campaign asks them to take actions based on the discussions made and provide useful tips to prevent myopia of their child:
  • Risk of myopia onset;
  • Progression of myopia in eyes that already are myopic; and
  • The overall burden of myopia with improved myopia management techniques.

Make Your Eye Moves Toolkit!

The Campaign Toolkit provides myopia facts, graphics and videos that you can use to enhance comprehensive awareness of myopia. Use the toolkit as a guide to support your work on myopia and spread awareness to your sphere of influence and your stakeholders.

So move on with your eye movements and tell the world the word using the resources! Remember to use the hashtags #MyopiaAwarenessWeek and # MAW2022.










