Implications of COVID-19 on the long-term health of diabetic patients have been explored by a new study.
Genetic makeup of diabetic patients is found to contribute to the development of post-COVID inflammatory conditions that may affect heart and brain health as per a study “Mechanisms of COVID-19 pathogenesis in diabetes” at the University Of Central Florida. “We believe that COVID-19 can alter a person’s genetic makeup which can enhance the proliferation of disease and cause further deterioration in diabetes and associated heart disease,” explained Dr. Dinender Singla, who is the AdventHealth Chair of Cardiovascular Science at the College of Medicine.
‘Long-term health effects of COVID-19 infection may progress the risk of heart disease among diabetic people.’
Dr. Singla has spent much of his research career studying heart failure, diabetes, and inflammation. In a recent article published in the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, he examined the mechanisms and possible effects of COVID-19 on patients with high-risk diabetes and the virus’ potential to advance the disease, leading to inflammation and heart failure. Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
“Our thinking is COVID-19 could have three major long-term effects on patients,” Dr. Singla noted. “One is a cognitive dysfunction, which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Second, it can enhance diabetes in pre-diabetic patients or pre-diabetic conditions. Third, it can exacerbate complications of diabetes such as cardiomyopathy or muscle dysfunction.”Dr. Singla theorizes that some diabetic patients who were infected with COVID-19 may have developed a different cellular composition in their blood compared to diabetic patients who never had COVID. The next step in his research is to analyze specific cellular differences in diabetics with and without a COVID infection.
“Our goal is to look into whether there is a difference in blood composition or variations in cytokines – proteins that affect communications between cells – compared to the non-COVID diabetic patients,” Dr. Singla said. “If any differences are noted, then we would need to examine what kind of diseases they could potentially cause or enhance in those patients.”
Exploring the Unexplored!
COVID-19 has affected more than 600 million people worldwide, and because vaccines have made the virus not as alarming today as it was two years ago, Dr. Singla said there are still many unanswered questions about COVID’s long-term impact on health.Advertisement
Dr. Singla said he is currently working on securing funding to explore the unanswered questions left in the wake of the virus.