
Biologic Replaces Ointments & Surgery to Stop Aging

The Institute for Advanced Skin Care and Optimal Health provides biologic treatments to prevent the signs of aging.

PHILADELPHIA, Traditionally, the accepted manner in Philadelphia for treating skin care usually involves a topical ointment, lasers or perhaps surgery for the more daring. The Institute for Advanced Skin Care and Optimal Health provides biologic treatments to prevent the signs of aging, according to Dr. Seema Patel, medical director of The Institute.

Recent medical advances are looking more closely at the underlying causes of illness and aging. "There is a growing acceptance that the condition of your skin is to some degree a manifestation of the body's internal environment," says Dr. Patel.

"I know that if I alter your diet, begin supplements and a structured personal fitness regimen, the laser skin rejuvenation will have better results and, most importantly, longer lasting results," she says.

Much of the scientific research in skincare is currently focused on biologic treatment of the signs of aging. "Out with the skin cream and in with gene therapy," Dr. Patel says.

"I observed that when people returned after a procedure they looked better but did not feel any different and that's not achieving our ultimate goal. We want each patient to look good and feel great," she continues.

Small changes in nutrition and exercise, stress management, and aggressive treatment of medical conditions have a profound effect on vitality, energy, concentration, and stamina.

At the Institute, Dr. Patel says most men initially seek treatment because they want to remain physically and mentally competitive. Women initially seek treatment to maintain a youthful appearance. As men regain their physical edge, they become more concerned with their appearance. Women quickly grasp the synergy of slowing the internal and external aging process.

"One year ago my clients were predominately women for advanced skincare procedures. Currently, my clientele is equally distributed between genders and I use this combination strategy on everyone," Dr. Patel says.

The trend for cosmetic and biologic treatment is expected to continue according to industry experts.

"It strikes me that all people have similar needs. We desire to look good and feel great. We want to maintain our quality of life and see our children and grandchildren grow up," says Dr. Patel.

Source: PR Newswire











