Edinburgh: The British Government has confirmed the presence of the dangerous H5N1 strain of bird flu in a wild swan that was found dead in Scotland.
The British Government has confirmed the presence of the dangerous H5N1 strain of bird flu in a wild swan that was found dead in Scotland.
Following this news, there has been ample furore, especially in the media, over the H5N1 strain in Britain, but officials have been trying their best to allay public’s fears about the possible spread of the disease in humans.The National Farmers’ Union has said that, though it is a setback to the health of the poultry, nonetheless there are no apparent repercussions to human health. The veterinary department is unsure about the origin of the swan, and in this case, your guess is as good as mine, if it belonged to the migratory army, or the local flock.
Officials have segregated a 3-km (1.8-mile) protection zone around where the swan was found dead. All bird-flu contingency plans are in place and Government officials have confirmed adequate preparedness to combat a possible bird-flu outbreak.