Red color helps you to notice detail and blue color boosts the brains ability to think creatively says a new research.
Blue color boosts the brains ability to think creatively, and red to notice detail.
Well, these are the findings of a new University of British Columbia study, which was aimed at determining which of the two colors most improves the brains performance and receptivity to advertising.The study showed that both colors could improve the brains performance and receptivity to ads, depending upon the nature of the task or message.
Those behind the study say that advertisers and interior designers may find their findings interesting.
“Previous research linked blue and red to enhanced cognitive performance, but disagreed on which provides the greatest boost. It really depends on the nature of the task,” says Juliet Zhu of UBC’s Sauder School of Business, author of the study which will appear in the journal Science Express.
For their study, the researchers tracked over 600 participants” performance on six cognitive tasks between 2007 and 2008, which required either detail-orientation or creativity.
The team revealed that most of the experiments were conducted on computers, with a screen that was red, blue or white.