The civic authorities of Mumbai are keeping a watchful eye as mystery fever claims two lives recently.
The civic authorities of Mumbai are keeping a watchful eye as mystery fever claims two lives recently.
The cases reported recently say that the patients were rushed to hospital with "flu with paralysis" symptoms.The civic authorities are sending the fluid samples to competent laboratories in Pune to determine what this new virus is that apparently looks like encephalitis-fever.
The reports appearing in section of Bombay media say that dengue and malarial tests on these cases came up negative.
Rising to the alarm bell, the local civic authorities in Bombay have conducted a surveillance of 2500 odd patients in Andheri, according to sources.
Mr. Sanjay Oak, the dean of Nair hospital (at Mumbai central) is reported having said" we suspect a viral infection but find it difficult to pinpoint what it is".
Earlier this week, media had also reported two persons succumbing to suspected viral encephalitis (brain inflammation) or meningitis, hours after they reached local nursing home with fever and progressive paralysis.
City doctors also have reportedly admitted that they find it difficult to diagnose the cases.
The doctor in question says he sees about one patient a month but "it was worrying seeing three patients together".
Heartening part however in this doctor's case is that patients are going with simple medicines.