Scientists have discovered a new compound that appears to improve cognitive function impairments in mice similar to those found in patients with progressive Alzheimer's disease.
A new compound that appears to improve cognitive function impairments in mice similar to those found occurring in patients with progressive Alzheimer's disease has been found by scientists.
Experts at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Program in Drug Discovery found the compound, benzylquinolone carboxylic acid (BQCA), could alter the progression of disease in mice and may eventually be significant for humans.Michelle M. Nicolle, an associate professor of gerontology at Wake Forest and co-researcher on the study, said: "We wanted to see if this very specific acting compound was able to change the way the brain works and whether or not it improved memory in our 'Alzheimer's mice,' which are experiencing progressive cognitive decline much like a person with Alzheimer's does."
She continued: "Current treatments only treat the symptoms while the underlying disease is still progressing so recent research efforts are focusing on stopping disease progression instead of symptomatic treatment."
The study was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.