Having a close-knit group of family and friends has influences a person's lifespan more than genetics, a study has revealed.

Researcher Robyn Richmond said genetics accounts for just 20 to 30 per cent of a person's chances of living to 100, meaning personality and lifestyle have a major impact, the Daily Mail reports.
'Social contact with family and friends is very important,' she said. 'Centenarians have built up strong solid relationships, seeing family, friends and neighbours regularly.
'If they don't have children, if they have very strong connections with their friends or if they are living in a nursing home that gets them doing interesting things with others who live there, they are more likely to live to 100.'
These folks have witnessed some major upheavals in their lives and are thus more open-minded, amenable to change and less hostile. Such a positive frame of mind is another feature of those who cross the coveted 100-year mark.
As far as lifestyle and habits are concerned, most of the centenarians did not smoke (barring two), and most consumed alcohol in moderation.
'It means even if you have got bad genes but you live a healthy life and stay positive, you could still have a very long life,' he adds summing it up.