
Bone Marrow Fat Changes After Gastric Bypass Surgery In Obese Women

by Hannah Joy on Aug 12 2017 12:10 PM

Bone marrow fat regulates bone metabolism. Obese women who underwent gastric bypass surgery had increased bone marrow fat, which greatly reduced their bone mass.

Bone Marrow Fat Changes After Gastric Bypass Surgery In Obese Women
Obese women undergoing gastric bypass surgery were found to have increased bone marrow fat, which was linked to a greater decline in bone density, reveals a new study.
Bone marrow fat is thought to regulate bone metabolism, and high levels of marrow fat are seen in states of low bone mass, severe underweight, and diabetes.//

Furthermore, in diabetic women undergoing the surgery, improvements in blood sugar control were associated with decreased marrow fat.

The findings suggest that blood sugar metabolism and weight loss may influence marrow fat, which in turn may affect bone health.

"This longitudinal study adds evidence that marrow fat is a unique fat depot that may influence bone. Ultimately, better understanding of bone marrow fat could lead to strategies targeted to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, skeletal complications of bariatric surgery, and diabetic bone fragility," said Dr. Tiffany Kim, lead author of the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research study.

