A study conducted by the researchers down under states that Vitamin D known for its bone function is good for lungs as well
A study conducted by the researchers down under states that Vitamin D known for its bone function is good for lungs as well.
Vitamin d has been found to be a boon for respiratory functions. It is good for lungs and so offers great hope for smokers, asthmatics and other people with respiratory problems.The researchers found people with higher levels of the vitamin in their systems showed better lung function than those with lower amounts.
“While the vitamin, which people get mostly from sunlight, is linked to lung health, the exact relationship is unclear”, they said.
The source other than sun could be dietary sources as well. "Although there is a definite relationship between lung function and vitamin D, it is unclear if increases in vitamin D through supplements or dietary intake will actually improve lung function in patients with chronic respiratory diseases," said Dr. Peter Black, who led the study.
The scientists analyzed information from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which collected data on 14,091 people from 1988 to 1994.
Their new analysis found those who had higher levels of vitamin D were able to inhale and exhale more air. "Vitamin D would be a relatively simple, low-cost intervention that would likely have high compliance to prevent or slow loss of lung function in susceptible subgroups," said Wright from Harvard medical school She added that more studies are needed to see who would benefit most.