
Boot Camp to Kick the Bad Habit Out of Brit Snorers!

by Tanya Thomas on Aug 19 2008 9:38 AM

The worst snorers in Britain will be attending a boot camp next month in a bid to kick the anti-social habit.

Six of Britain’s worst and most habitual snorers may turn over a new leaf and bring an end to a habit that wrecks family life! Yes, after boot camps for juvenile offenders, it’s the turn for snorers now to kick their anti-social habit.

More than 200 people applied for just six places on the military-style weekend, which is being run by Help Stop Snoring, a company that produces snoring relief aids.

Participants will be banned from drinking and smoking and forced to comply with a strict diet and training regime.

Boot camps have been used to treat troubled teenagers, drug addicts and the obese, but this is believed to be the first one to tackle snoring.

"Snoring can ruin lives. For some the hairdryer treatment of a boot camp is the only option," Times Online quoted a spokesman for the organizers, as saying.

"As part of any agreement to take part in the camp, our 'Sergeant Major' will inspect each guest's bags for contraband items such as alcohol or cigarettes, both of which can make snoring worse.

"The aim is to provide as much advice and information as possible to the selected snorers and their families, helping them to reduce or stop the problem altogether. It's going to be tough, but the results will be worth it," he added.

The participants will be put through their paces by nutritionists, fitness experts and ear, nose and throat specialists.

The volume of their snores will be measured on the first night of the boot camps and again at the end to monitor their improvement.

"There is no one reason in particular why people snore. We will look at each case individually. This is not a trivial problem. The spouses of some snorers are at their wits' end," the spokesman said.

"The problem might not have been solved by the end of the weekend, but the boot camp is a springboard to success. The participants will learn lessons they will take away," he added.










