The cosmetic uses of Botox notwithstanding, it has now been revealed that the drug can be used to stop excessive sweating as well.
The cosmetic uses of Botox notwithstanding, it has now been revealed that the drug can be used to stop excessive sweating as well.
The Harley Medical Group has revealed that many people are now opting to tuirn off their sweat glands with Botox injections."Whilst normal sweating regulates body temperature, excessive sweating can be chronically embarrassing," said Nicky Naylor, the Harley Medical Group's Botox specialist. "Sufferers can start avoiding social situations. Many patients feel that not having to worry about getting uncomfortably sweaty is a big boost to their confidence, especially during summer."
Botulinum toxin is a poison, but is used in cosmetic procedures to smooth wrinkles. Now it may also be used to stop sweat.