
Breakfast improves memory

According to a new study, eating breakfast in the morning improves memory. Taking in some calories - basic nutrients -fat, protein or carbohydrate.

According to a new study, eating breakfast in the morning improves memory. Taking in some calories - basic nutrients -fat, protein or carbohydrate. With regard to weight control, it is believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thereby one can believe that breakfast also boosts mental performance.

Researchers at the University of Texas gave 18 men and women aged between 60 and 80 one of four breakfast drinks: three contained calories from either fat, protein or carbohydrate, while the fourth was a placebo with no calorie content. Those taking in calories - whatever the source - did better than the controls on a memory test carried out 10 minutes later.

An hour later, differences between the nutrient content were seen - those taking in the carbohydrate did best, followed by those whose calories came from fat. Given that complex carbohydrates have other health benefits, the study suggests that a bowl of whole grain cereal, fruit, or a couple of slices of toast, might be the best breakfast for your body and your mind.
