Breast fed children are found to have better vision than the children who are bottle fed.
According to a study conducted by British researchers, breast fed babies have a better vision when compared to their bottle fed counterparts. This once again goes on to prove the numerous benefits of breast feeding.
This study was conducted by Institute of Child Health in London among 262 children in the age group of four to six. In this group, 184 children have been bottle-fed with formula milk while 78 have been breastfed.The formula milk given to the bottle-fed children was fortified with two types of fatty acids DHA and AA. According to few scientists DHA is a type of omega 3 fatty acid present in the breast milk responsible for good eyesight. When these children were tested, it was found that the breast fed babies had better vision than the bottle-fed ones.
Dr Geoff Lawson, a paediatrician from Sunderland Royal Hospital feels that breast feeding has a lot of beneficial effects on the children. Apart from creating a bonding between the mother and the child, breast milk also helps in the development of brain, gives the child resistance against various diseases like asthma, eczema, and other allergies. These children are found to have a fewer problems adjusting to the society. Breast milk also gives the child the right kind of nutrition.