
Breath to Reveal Presence of Breast Cancer

Scientists in the US have developed a breakthrough in the diagnosis of breast cancer –a device that would test the breath of a patient to reveal presence of breast cancer.

Scientists in the US have developed a breakthrough in the diagnosis of breast cancer –a device that would test the breath of a patient to reveal presence of breast cancer.

The device developed by Michigan University scientists works by using switchable surface technology. It attracts cells that indicate the presence of breast cancer into tiny oil and water-filled pockets, reported the online edition of Daily Mail.

The user is then alerted to the presence of cancerous cells by reading on the breathalyser.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer in which cells in the breast become abnormal and grow and divide uncontrollably.

One of the biggest problems in fighting the disease is the lack of inexpensive tools, which can diagnose cancer early. The researchers hope to be able to change all that with the new breathalyser.

"Now people would be able to buy the developed device over the counter which tests breath for the presence of metabolites, which are associated with the disease," they said.
