
Britain Faces Aids Epidemic

by VR Sreeraman on Nov 18 2006 11:24 AM

The Health Protection Agency of Britain has revealed that almost 59,000 Brits have an HIV infection that leads to AIDS and almost 8,000 new cases were diagnosed last year. 70 per cent of the affected were immigrants. Most of them were from Africa and Eastern Europe. Bulgaria and Romania are among the nations with the highest AIDS rates in Europe, according to the Sun.

It has been found that almost none of these 'infectious' foreigners seek treatment and may infect the rest of the population, according to the medics. The problem is very serious because Romania and Bulgaria join the EU next year and workers from these countries are expected to flood into Britain.

The HPA compiled a report after health chiefs realised that immigration had doubled from 300,000 in 1995 to 600,000 in 2004. Even two years after immigrating into the UK, many fail to get help 'despite showing symptoms of illness'. This creates the danger of a viral explosion in some areas.

'It is ironic that the Government are encouraging people to take precautions to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases when a lot of the new cases are coming from overseas,' according to Andrew Green of Migration Watch.

The HPA obtained infectious disease data recorded between 2004 and 2006, from GPs and hospitals.

