ALfie the Labrador, infamous as Britain's fattest dog is now put on a crash diet. He used to be over fed because the owner kept forgetting the dog had already been fed.
ALfie the Labrador, infamous as Britain's fattest dog is now put on a crash diet. He used to be over fed because the owner kept forgetting the dog had already been fed. At 12st 5lb (80kg), he is three times the normal weight of a Labrador. The 12-year-old canine has been handed over to the RSPCA for getting back to shape.
Christine Dooley, centre manager, said: 'He literally could not stand up when he arrived because he was so fat. I have never seen a dog that fat before in my 27 years with the RSPCA, he must be Britain’s fattest pet. He was being fed to death, it’s amazing he was alive given his size. A healthy Labrador weighs about 30 kilos (4stone 7lbs), so poor Alfie was carrying the weight of two Labradors, and a Staffie too.'
The dog is now on a calorie controlled diet with two meals a day, and strictly no treats.