
British PM Pledges to Donate 20 Million to Eradicate Malaria

Prime Minister Gordon Brown pledged Wednesday to donate 20 million mosquito nets to African families and challenged world leaders and businessmen to contribute another 100 million in an effort to eradicate malaria.

Writing in The Sun, Brown said that he expected that the total 120 million mosquito nets would be committed by the time world leaders meet at the United Nations in New York in September.

"We have led past efforts to increase the number of bed nets ... saving thousands of children's lives around the world," the premier wrote.

"But we know we must do more. I am proud to say that Britain is once again taking the lead ... by supplying the funds for 20 million more bed nets."

At a cost of five pounds per net, according to Brown, the total value of the donation will be approximately 100 million pounds (125 million euros, 197 million dollars).

"I'm challenging the rest of the world -- governments, business and anyone else who wants to end this killer disease -- to join us in this effort by donating money for nets," he wrote.

"By the time world leaders meet at the United Nations in New York in September, we can -- and should -- have commitments to supply all 120 million of the nets we need.

"And by tackling this killer disease, we can help to end the cycle of poverty in Africa and elsewhere in the developing world."

