
Britney Spears Donates $50 000 To Support Cancer Patients

Pop princess Britney Spears has donated $50,000 to Gilda's Club Worldwide, an organization that supports cancer patients.

According to People magazine, Britney said in a statement: "When children have cancer, or when their parents or siblings have the disease, there are a few places they can turn to for support."

"Gilda's Club is one of those places. I passionately believe in helping children in need, and so I am very happy to make this gift to help children learn they can cope with what can be a terrible and devastating experience for them."

The chairperson of the organization said: "We are very grateful to Britney Spears for her most generous gift. It will improve the lives of hundreds of children who are living with cancer."


Related Information on Cancer in Medindia: Info about Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lung. Majority of people who get lung cancer have been cigarette smokers, but not all people who smoke get lung cancer. And, some people who have never smoked get lung cancer. Normal lung tissue is made up of cells that are programmed by nature to create lungs of a certain shape and function.

Sometimes the instructions to a cell go haywire and that cell and its offspring reproduce wildly, without regard for the shape and function of a lung. That wild reproduction can form tumors that clog up the lung and make it stop functioning as it should. Because of the large size of the lungs, cancer may grow for many years, undetected, without causing suspicion. Lung cancer can spread outside the lungs without causing any symptoms. Adding to the confusion, the most common symptom of lung cancer, a persistent cough, can often be mistaken for a cold or bronchitis.

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Info about Breast Cancer
Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women. Breast cancer mostly occurs in women over the age of 50, and the risk is especially high for women over age 60. Breast cancer is also found to occur more often in white women than African American or Asian women.

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Information about Oral cancer:
Cancerous growth occurring within the structures of the oral cavity is known as Oral Cancer The oral cavity includes the mouth and all the structures within it, such as the tongue, teeth, gums, lower jaw etc. Cancer is an abnormal disorganized growth of cells in the tissue of a person. Cancer cells keep on multiplying without paying head to the body's command to stop. This abnormal growth of cells destroys the normal structure and the function of the affected tissue and the body in general. Among other cancers oral cancer is one of the most common causes of death. In male, oral cancer represents 4% of total body cancer and in female; it is 2% of all cancers. Majority of the oral cancers affect the outer layer of mucous membrane covering the oral cavity.

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Information about Prostate cancer:
When a person is affected by prostate cancer, the cancer cells may spread outside the gland to other parts of the body. Most prostate cancers grow very slowly and never cause symptoms or spread. Autopsy studies show that many elderly men who died of other disease also had a prostate cancer which neither they nor their doctor were aware of. But some prostate cancers can grow and spread quickly. The people most likely to get prostate cancer are men over age 50.

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Information about Gastric cancer:
The clinical term for cancer of the stomach is gastric cancer.

Approximately 24,000 new cases of gastric cancer are diagnosed each year in this country. And there are about 700,000 new cases diagnosed worldwide.

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Information about Women and cancer:
Women who are aged between 20 and 40 years should make it necessary to get themselves checked for cancer every three years apart from regular easy-to-do home examinations to stay alert to warning signs of cancer. For cancer, be it of the breast or the uterus, can be cured if detected early enough.

Some cancers that are common in women are oral cancer, oesophageal cancer, leukaemia, buccal mucosa, malignant lymphoma and thyroid cancer, besides breast cancer and cancer of the reproductive system.

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