Pop princess Britney Spears is said to have refused permission for her latest ad campaign to be airbrushed.
Wonder of wonders - for pop princess Britney Spears has reportedly refused permission for her latest ad campaign to be airbrushed.
Spears, 28, has insisted that none of her shots for US-based fashion firm Candie's should be digitally enhanced.But she agreed for re-touched versions to be released simultaneously - highlighting the pressure on women to look perfect.
In the "raw" pictures, bruises are visible on her calf, her thighs are larger and dimpled with cellulite, and dry skin is evident on her feet.
In the airbrushed images her waist is slimmer and her legs flawless.
"Britney is proud of her body - imperfections and all," the New York Daily News quoted a source as saying.