
Busy as a Bee At 33: Work, Family and Social Pressures Makes It a Tough Age

by Tanya Thomas on Nov 4 2010 7:32 AM

 Busy as a Bee At 33: Work, Family and Social Pressures Makes It a Tough Age
When you're 33, a recent survey suggests, life is the busiest it can be with hardly any time to balance our busy work, family and social activities.
So much so, a third of 33-year-olds say they get an average of only five hours sleep a night, reports The Daily Mail.

66percent people claim that they spend more than 38 hours a week in the office and 60 per cent are forced to double bookwork and social appointments to try to squeeze everything in.

Fifty-six per cent regularly need to take work home to complete it, according to the study conducted by Hotmail.

Ninety per cent of 33-year-old women in the survey said they thought they were busier than men of the same age.

But there's some good news - once we hit 55 the pressures on our lives get easier, largely because our careers have peaked by then and our children have left home. At that age we have an average of one hour and 23 minutes to ourselves each day.

"We also must organise ourselves during particularly busy periods in our lives to ensure we can enjoy life and get the balance right. Too much work and no play should not be an option," said TV presenter and actress Lisa Rogers.

