
Caffeine Makes People Persuade Easily

Australian scientists say that caffeine makes us more likely to say ‘yes’ to persuasive arguments.

Australian scientists say that caffeine makes us more likely to say ‘yes’ to persuasive arguments.

Researchers, found that moderate amount of stimulants increases people's willingness to be persuaded. About 140 students participated in two experiments about how they viewed voluntary euthanasia and abortion.

They were given either straight orange juice or juice laced with the caffeine equivalent of two cups of coffee before reading the argument about controversial topics. After having coffee they were again tested under non-distracting conditions and found caffeine increased, volunteers to change their ideas and viewing point.

Dr Pearl Martin, from the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, argued that caffeine related products like coffee, tea, cola or energy drinks, will affect their persuasion and ideas when they do things like listening to advertisements or a political speech on the radio or TV, reading a film review, or in a business meeting to discuss work-related issues.

Instrumental process like changing the attitude was also confirmed from the previous research with caffeine saying it increases the brain's ability to process information.

This possibility of positive persuasion with caffeine works when they are in an undistracted condition. Suppose, if they are less attentive in the state, their attitude was less likely to change.

In the European Journal of Social Psychology, scientists have written only moderate amounts of caffeine increase central route processing.

