
Calorie Counting Vs Satiety: What to Focus for Weight Loss

by Dr. Jayashree Gopinath on May 26 2023 10:33 PM
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A new study compared the effect of calorie counting vs approaches on satiety/satiation on achieving healthier body fat composition among primary care patients.

 Calorie Counting Vs Satiety: What to Focus for Weight Loss
Consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables that promotes satiety (feeling free of hunger) and satiation (feeling satisfied with a meal) could be a better approach for weight loss success, according to a new study published in The Annals of Family Medicine.
The researchers compared the impact of two diets — Diabetes Prevention Program Calorie Counting versus MyPlate — on satiation (feeling satisfied with a meal), satiety (feeling free of hunger), and on body fat composition in primary care patients (1 Trusted Source
Reducing Calorie Intake May Not Help You Lose Body Weight

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Two hundred and sixty-one overweight, adult, low-income Latina patients, participated in the randomized control trial over 12 months. Throughout the study, community health workers conducted two home education visits; two group education sessions; and seven telephone coaching calls for each participant over six months.

They measured satiation and satiety, as well as waist circumference and body weight among participants. These measures were assessed at the beginning of the trial and again at six- and 12-month follow-up visits.

Satiety-Enhancing Approach for Weight Loss Management

They found that satiation and satiety scores increased for participants on both diets. Both MyPlate and Calorie Counting participants reported a higher quality of life and emotional well-being (2 Trusted Source
Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial of 2 Federally Recommended Strategies to Reduce Excess Body Fat in Overweight, Low-Income Patients: vs Calorie Counting

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), as well as decreased waist circumference and high satisfaction with their assigned weight loss program.

MyPlate participants experienced lower systolic blood pressure at a six-month follow-up visit although this was not sustained over the 12-month trial period. Results suggest that the MyPlate-based intervention may be a practical alternative to the more traditional calorie counting approach.

Approximately 42% of Americans are considered obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Traditional methods of addressing obesity have been to restrict calories while reducing food intake. This has short-term efficacy.

Comparing the MyPlate and Calorie Counting interventions among an adult, low-income, mostly Latina population, researchers found that both programs increased levels of satiation and satiety among participants, as well as promoted a better quality of life, emotional well-being, and program satisfaction (3 Trusted Source
Satiety-enhancing products for appetite control: science and regulation of functional foods for weight management

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The simpler MyPlate diet led to weight loss and lower systolic blood pressure in the short term although not long term. Therefore, more research is needed to investigate satiety-enhancing approaches for desirable weight control in diverse populations and the use of community health workers as change agents.

  1. Reducing Calorie Intake May Not Help You Lose Body Weight - ( )
  2. Randomized Comparative Effectiveness Trial of 2 Federally Recommended Strategies to Reduce Excess Body Fat in Overweight, Low-Income Patients: vs Calorie Counting - ( )
  3. Satiety-enhancing products for appetite control: science and regulation of functional foods for weight management - ( )











