
Can Calcium Help Reduce Weight?

Recent research shows calcium from milk, supplements, or other dairy products may actually make you smaller -- by promoting weight loss , so if your mother always told you to drink your milk so you can grow bigger, she may have been wrong.

Participants in the study who consumed more calcium lost more weight. Researchers say if the body consumes enough calcium, a breakdown of fat occurs. However, if the body consumes an insufficient amount of calcium, the opposite can occur, and the body actually produces more fat cells.

Researchers say athletes who participate in sports like wrestling where weight management is an issue can greatly benefit from calcium. They say that these athletes can use calcium to help maintain weight while also reaping the benefits of bone strength and prevention of osteoporosis. low-fat dairy products such as skim milk and yogurt offer hydration and vitamin D as extra benefits.

However researchers say they cant recommend a specific daily dose of calcium for weight loss purposes, but as of now the current daily recommended allowance of four low-fat dairy servings should be the minimum amount a person consumes. Thus they say that more research needs to be conducted to determine specific dose recommendations of calcium for weight loss.
