Meet the guy who questions the belief scientists have held that humans can survive without a meal not more than two months.
Meet the guy who questions the belief scientists have held that humans can survive without a meal not more than two months. Kirby de Lanerolle from Sri Lanka says he has lived without food for five long years.
He confirms that there are other energy sources which we can tap into and not just calories that come from food. Calories can also be derived from light photon, wind and vibrations. His sole nourishment has come from fresh air. Kirby de Lanerolle has eaten only seven 500-calorie meals.
He was completely enthralled by the writings of his mentor and guru about the benefits of keeping away from food, and the problems that can come with such an association - heart disease and cancer.
He calls himself a breatharian and is on a mission to educate people about the benefits of becoming a breatharian.