Algal blooms are often found in waterways near residences and release hazardous toxins that sicken or kill people and animals. The use of commercially available face masks and AC filters could help limit our exposure to these toxins.
Face masks could be highly effective in limiting the exposure to aerosolized algal toxins, confirmed recent research. A peer-reviewed publication in the journal Aerosol and Air Quality Research shows that face masks and commercially available AC filters can help us mitigate indoor and outdoor air exposure to the toxins released by Harmful algal blooms.
‘AC filters can filter out 20-90% of the airborne algal toxins, and the face masks can block over 90% of toxin-containing particles.’
“We found that face masks and air conditioner filters with high filter performance ratings can reduce the risk of exposure by filtering out small, toxin-containing particles,” says Cassandra Gaston, lead author of the study. What are Harmful algal blooms?
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are overgrowths of algae in the water. They are often found in waterways near residences and produce extremely dangerous toxins that sicken or kill people and animals. The toxins can also get aerosolized and affect both indoor and outdoor air quality.
How could Masks and AC filters help mitigate these issues?
In the current study, researchers from the University of Miami (UM) created a unique bubbling device. This device is capable of bubbling air into the liquid containing growing cultures of toxin-producing blue-green algae called Microcystis aeruginosa .
They found that AC filters with high filtration efficiency ratings filtered out 20-90% of the airborne toxins, whereas the face masks filtered out over 90% of toxin-containing particles.