Toronto – The directory of patented drugs will play host to a new entrant - oseltamivir or popularly known as Tamiflu, according to the recent communiqué
Toronto – The directory of patented drugs will play host to a new entrant - oseltamivir or popularly known as Tamiflu, according to the recent communique by the Director of patent policy in Canada, Douglas Clark. This is indeed a shot in the arm for the multitude of generic drug manufacturers, who can now avail the license to manufacture, and export the drug to developing nations.
Biolyse Pharma Corp., a leading pharmaceutical company, holds promise with its drug production capacity hovering between 500,000 and one million oseltamivir pills on a single day. The company is working towards its immediate goal of ensuring that the drugs hit the shelf in the next 6 months.Swiss drug maker Hoffman-La Roche, a patent holder for Tamiflu, is working overtime to hoard the drug, needed to defend a potential influenza pandemic. Apparently, the company has not taken the Biolyse's bid too well.