
Canadian Bus Killer Ate His Victim’s Flesh, a Police Official Says

by Gopalan on Aug 3 2008 1:02 PM

The Canadian bus killer who shocked the world with his grisly killing of a fellow passenger, apparently for no reason, had also eaten some parts of his victim’s flesh.

The Canadian bus killer who shocked the world with his grisly killing of a fellow passenger, apparently for reason, had also eaten some parts of his victim’s flesh.

In a tape of radio transmissions posted on, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer is heard describing the attacker as "Badger" and says he is armed with a knife and scissors and is "defiling the body at the front of the bus as we speak."

On the tape, which lasts about 80 seconds, officers continue to detail the attacker's movements until one reports, "Badger's at the back of the bus, hacking off pieces and eating it."

The RCMP described the tapes as "operational police communications and, as such, are not meant for public consumption." Police said permission had not been given to use the radio transmission, which was posted on and picked up by other Web sites, reports AP news agency..

The killer, Vince Weiguang Li, 40, worked for a contractor delivering the Edmonton Journal, the National Post and the Edmonton Sun, his boss Vincent Augert told CBC News Friday.

"I'm still kind of shocked and surprised, to be honest with you. He just never came across as the type of person that could do something like that. He was a nice guy," Augert said.

"He was there every day, he did a good job, was friendly and really, we had no problems with this individual at all."

Li worked for the distribution company for about 13 months, but left in April for a short period before returning to the job in June. The Edmonton man also worked at a McDonald's restaurant, according to Augert.

Augert said last heard from Li three weeks ago, when the man said he needed a couple of days off to attend a job interview in Winnipeg at the end of July. When Augert called Li's cellphone on Tuesday to ask why he hadn't showed up for work, Augert spoke to a woman he said he believed was Li's wife.

"[She] mentioned that he'd had an emergency, he had to go out of town, and that she wasn't sure where he went and wasn't sure if he'd be back the following morning to deliver his newspapers," Augert told CBC News.

Meantime, Alex McLean, the victim’s uncle, said of his nephew, "He had the most infectious giggle, you could hear him laughing a mile away. It didn’t matter what kind of day you were having, because when you heard him laugh you couldn’t help but join in," Alex McLean said.

Tim McLean had taken a job with the Red River Exhibition and then went to work in Edmonton, but had decided to return home.

Alex McLean said his nephew had been looking forward to spending time with family and friends in Winnipeg.

"We are suffering our loss. This is obviously a most difficult time for us," McLean said, asking that the media and public respect the family's privacy.

Witnesses said Tim McLean got on the bus in Edmonton, while his attacker came aboard in Brandon and sat away from the victim toward the front of the bus. After a short cigarette break, however, the attacker moved his belongings and chose a seat beside the young man.

The killing has spawned a vast online community, with tens of thousands showing support for McLean's family and expressing disgust for the attack.

One of the many groups on the social networking site Facebook has accumulated over 40,000 members with more than 2,000 wall posts.












