The National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) has filed a report which shows that cancer deaths are 20 percent higher in the North of England.
The National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) has filed a report which shows that cancer deaths are 20 percent higher in the North of England.
Lung cancer is the biggest cause of cancer death in men across England, while prostate cancer happens to be the most diagnosed. The data for the report is based on case incidence in 2005.Among women breast cancer is the biggest cause of death. However breast cancer mortality is high among women i\n the South probably because they delay having children.
"These figures show us that some of the past trends aren't changing - cancer death rates remain higher in the north than the rest of England," said Professor David Forman, from the University of Leeds. "Smoking is responsible for nearly nine in ten cases of lung cancer. More people in the north smoke, and this explains why lung cancer rates are so much higher."