Thirty-five percent of people with a cancer diagnosis told of negative experiences, including guilt at taking time off for medical appointments.

‘Cancer support charity Macmillan has found that most of the cancer patients who continue to work after diagnosis do not receive support from employers or colleagues.’

The survey of 1,009 patients, all in work when diagnosed, indicated that 15% returned to work before feeling ready and 14% quit or were made redundant as a result of their diagnosis.

More than 20,000 people a year diagnosed with cancer will face discrimination. People of working age with cancer will hit 1.7 million by 2030, according to the report. Liz Egan, of Macmillan Cancer Support, said, “It’s appalling that, during an already difficult, often stressful time, so many employers are not offering the right support to people with cancer, leaving little choice but to leave.”
The survey found that 85 percent of those diagnosed with cancer felt keeping on working was important. Work helped 60 percent keep a sense of normality, whereas 45 percent worked for the money.