Straub Medical is ready with the release of Capturex pulmonary embolism protection device.

The Capturex is capable of covering a vessel between 20mm and 30mm in diameter, and at the same time allows the blood to pass through. The accumulated material can be safely removed using Straub’s 6F Aspirex S catheter with the same shaft as the Capturex.
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a complication that results from a block in the main artery supplying the lungs, or one of its branches. Most of the time, the block is due to a blood clot (thrombus) that has detached itself from the deep veins in the legs and traveled all the way to the lungs. Hence, this process is known as venous thromboembolism.
Even under normal conditions, small particles of RBCs, platelets and fibrin aggregate to form microthrombi but they soon get lyzed in circulatory system; thus clot formation is prevented.
Under diseased conditions, the microthrombi fail to get lyzed. Instead, they grow, break loose from their site of origin and may form an ‘embolus’ that blocks the pulmonary vessels i.e. blood vessels supplying to the lungs. This leads to pulmonary embolism.