It is a well known fact that carrots are good for our eyesight, but a new study has found that when properly modified, the vegetable can benefit our bones, too.
It is a well known fact that carrots are good for our eyesight, but a new study has found that when properly modified, the vegetable can benefit our bones, too.
Researchers at Texas A&M AgriLife's Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, have developed a carrot that helps people absorb 41 per cent more calcium than consuming a regular carrot.The carrot is higher in bioavailable calcium, indicating that the body can more readily absorb it.
“If you eat a serving of the modified carrot, you’d absorb 41 percent more calcium than from a regular carrot,” said Dr. Jay Morris, lead author on the paper, a post doctorate researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
“The primary goal was to increase the calcium in fruit and vegetables to benefit human health and nutrition. Fruit and vegetables are good for you for many reasons, but they have not been a good source of calcium in the past,” he added.
Morris further said that adding the genetically modified carrots to the diet could help prevent such diseases as osteoporosis.
“We believe that if this technology is applied to a large number of different fruits and vegetables, that would have an even greater impact on preventing osteoporosis,” he said.
Urine samples were collected 24 hours after each feeding study to determine the amount of specially marked calcium absorbed, Morris explained.
He added both men and women absorbed higher amounts of calcium from the modified carrots. But the technology needs to be available in a wide range of fruits and vegetables so that people can get the calcium benefit.
“The daily requirement for calcium is 1,000 milligrams, and a 100 gram serving of these carrots provides only 60 milligrams, about 42 percent of which is absorbable. A person could not eat enough of them to get the daily requirement,” he said.
But if vegetables and fruits could be bred to contain more calcium, then a diet that includes a variety of these produce might come closer to providing necessary calcium, Morris explained.
“Increased fruits and vegetables (in the diet) are better for a myriad of reasons,” he said.
The study is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.