The Centre on Friday said that there were no suspected human cases of bird flu and the situation in Chingmeirong village in Manipur, where the outbreak of the bird flu was confirmed
The Centre on Friday said that there were no suspected human cases of bird flu and the situation in Chingmeirong village in Manipur, where the outbreak of the bird flu was confirmed on July 25, is now completely under control.
There were reports earlier that four people in the area who had come in contact with the infected birds were suffering from fever or Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI).The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare today said that samples of those people sent for medical examination to National Institute of Virology in Pune and National Institute of Communicable Diseases in Delhi have found them negative for Avian Influenza virus.
Special health teams are continuously monitoring health of people living within a radius of three kilometres around Chingmeirong village in East Imphal District.
The health status of the cullers is also being monitored, as five of them have been withdrawn from the culling operations after they reported having fever.
"They (five cullers) continued to be under quarantine and medical supervision. As of now, 172 cullers are under the cover of Tamiflu, the anti-viral medicine. In addition 37 supportive staff and 11 medical staff in the quarantine camp are also under Tamiflu. Their health status is also being monitored," a release from the ministry stated.
Health teams consisting of 597 health personnel have covered monitoring 44,475 houses with an approximate population of 2.32 lakh.
Surveillance activity has also been initiated with 83 health workers in the 3 to 10 kms zone form Chingmeirong village. 557 houses with a population of 2828 in Kangla, Takyel, Khurai, Kshertrigo have been covered, where seven cases of fever were detected.