
“Cheeseburger Bill” Goes In Favor Of Fast Food Restaurants

“Cheeseburger Bill” goes in favor of the National Council of Chain Restaurants (council representing McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and Pizza Hut) in the law court and still to go before the senate. The case in which the opponents wanted the fast food companies liable for obesity by taking fast food. The lawmakers voted 306-120 in favor of the Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act which will make people harder to put case on food industry for causing overweight.

Most of the critics feel that it is the responsibility of the people who are taking food to maintain a healthy diet in order to maintain their body. The fast food company cannot be made responsible for an act of irresponsible eating. Obese patients should go to doctor and not to a lawyer. The fast food manufacturers can be asked to provide the consumers with details of calories and fat content of each food which can help the consumers to decide on the kind and quantity of food they can eat.

Experts View: Scott Vinson of the National Council of Chain Restaurants praised the House for "denouncing frivolous obesity lawsuits brought by plaintiffs seeking to blame restaurants for making them overweight".

The Republican chairman of the House judiciary committee, James Sensenbrenner, said fast-food retailers were not to blame for Americans' over-indulgence and it is not the place of the law to protect them from their own excess." The bill's opponents included California Democrat Bob Filner, who said the fast-food industry marketed fatty food to children and should take responsibility.

Source: BBC News.
