
Chemical Signals From Fat Cells Increase Heart Attack Risk

by Gopalan on Oct 18 2010 2:16 PM

Fat cells send out chemical signals to other parts of the body, perhaps increasing the risk of heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases.

 Chemical Signals From Fat Cells Increase Heart Attack Risk
Fat tissues are not dormant storage depot for surplus calories. On the contrary, they send out chemical signals to other parts of the body, perhaps increasing the risk of heart attacks, cancer, and other diseases.
The Netherlands scientists are reporting discovery of 20 new hormones and other substances not previously known to be secreted into the blood by human fat cells and verification that fat secretes dozens of hormones and other chemical messengers. The study, “Identification of novel human adipocyte secreted proteins by using SGBS cells,” appears in ACS’ monthly Journal of Proteome Research.

Anja Rosenow of the Department of Human Biology, Maastricht University and colleagues note that excess body fat can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Many people once thought that fat cells were inert storage depots for surplus calories. But studies have established that fat cells can secrete certain hormones and other substances much like other organs in the body. Among those hormones is leptin, which controls appetite, and adiponectin, which makes the body more sensitive to insulin and controls blood sugar levels. However, little is known about most of the proteins produced by the billions of fat cells in the adult body.

The scientists identified 80 different proteins produced by the fat cells. These include six new proteins and 20 proteins that have not been previously detected in human fat cells. The findings could pave the way for a better understanding of the role that hormone-secreting fat cells play in heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases.










