
Chew on This-Eating Slowly can Reshape You!

New study proves that eating food in gulps and in a short time will make you end up eating more calories and make you feel unsatieted .

A recent scientific research has gained new ground to prove that your moms' advice, to eat slowly and not to gulp down your food, was surely the best for you! If you chew your food well and take time between your bites, you will end up eating lesser and feeling better, says a new study.

Kathleen Melanson from the University of Rhode Island was the lead researcher of this study. She compared the intake of calories of two groups of college going women volunteers. They were asked to have the same meal of pasta, with vegetable sauce and Parmesan cheese. The only difference being that one group were asked to finish their meal as fast as possible and not to pause between mouthfuls of food. Therefore they gulped down their food in 9 minutes flat! The other group was instructed to munch on their food, leisurely, taking time to chew and to actually put down their forks in between. The second group therefore took about half an hour to finish their meal. Group 1 at an average, stoked in 646 calories, whereas the intake of calories tallied to only 579 in the latter half of volunteers.

Ms Melanson explained that, a person stops eating when he feels that he has had his full. This satiated feeling is seen to develop when one eats slowly .Not only did the second group of women, who ate leisurely, feel full at the end, but also did not feel hungry even after an hour or so. That is a clear benefit of eating at a slower pace. Eating slowly, and leisurely can therefore pave the way to cutting down on calorie intake. This will promote efforts to maintain a proportionate body weight .If done regularly, such healthy eating habits will actually ensure cutting down about 200 calories a day.










