In US a summer obesity test is to be conducted among children in the age group of four to ten.
In US a summer obesity test is to be conducted among children in the age group of four to ten. This test is to analyze whether the kids are following proper eating habits and there by keep their parents informed about their health. This step is mainly to tackle the worsening health crisis. But the Children's Commissioner and their own child health officials fear that telling the child’s parents about the test results would stigmatize some children. But the Government overruled this objection and plan to weigh and measure the height of four- and 10-year-olds during this summer term.
In the following year parents of any obese four- or 10-year-olds can expect a letter telling them their child faces long-term health damage unless they lose weight. Caroline Flint, the health minister said that this anti-obesity drive should start from the parents as they influence what their child eats. Professor Al Aynsley-Green, the Children's Commissioner also agrees with it and says that the danger to obese children's future health outweighs any fears that they may be bullied. But Dr Robin Arnold, of the British Medical Association of psychiatry committee said that there would be an increase in the eating disorders due to these tests. The summer's tests would be done in light clothes and children will be told why they are being measured. Parents will be given the right to refuse permission for the child to be tested and can ask not to be sent the results next year.