Wheat pasta made without eggs help balance the shortfall nutrients in the daily diet and are a great complement to a healthy well-balanced meal.

‘Pasta-eaters especially children have greater intakes of important vitamins and minerals and lower intakes of saturated fat and total fat in the diet.’

The study examined associations between pasta consumption, shortfall nutrient intakes as defined by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines (2015 DG) and diet quality in comparison to non-pasta consumption in U.S. children and adolescents (ages 2-18). 

Pasta consumption was defined as all dry domestic and imported pasta/noodle varieties made with only wheat and no egg. The data review did not look at any health outcomes associated with pasta consumption except for the ones specified below.
From the analysis, researchers identified a number of key positive nutritional dietary patterns associated with children and adolescents who eat pasta as part of their diet compared to those who don't eat pasta. They are:
- Better overall diet quality (as measured by USDA's Healthy Eating Index-2010 scale)
- Greater intake of key shortfall nutrients like dietary fiber, folate, iron, magnesium and vitamin E
- Lower daily intakes of saturated fat and total fat
- No significant associations were seen with body weight, waist circumference and body mass index
“Certain grain foods, like pasta, are a great complement to a healthy well-balanced meal and provide plenty of opportunities for improving the diet," explains registered dietitian Diane Welland, Nutrition Communications Manager for the National Pasta Association.
"Think of pasta as a canvas from which you can add nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods like fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese, lean meats and legumes, when creating meals for your family."